Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrogade in Virgo and Leo August 5 thru August 28 2024!
Mercury's Comedy Season!** Welcome to the universe's favorite sitcom: Your Life! Mercury Retrograde: turning texts into accidental confessions and emails into escape artists. It's like your tech got a sense of humor overnight—too bad it’s into slapstick.
Expect your smart devices to start their comedy careers, sending "I love you" to your boss and "Let's meet" to your ex. Who knew Mercury had such a knack for matchmaking and career changes?
Dive into the digital chaos with a smile. Your coffee order got swapped? Congratulations, you're a trendsetter. Just remember, it’s all in good fun—or at least, that’s what Mercury tells us. Mercury Retrograde is coming again – prepare yourself
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo begins August 5 through August 28. We are leaving the pre-shadow period and Mercury will once again be taking its backward spin through the sky. It will be our second Mercury Retrograde of 2024 - third if you count the one that ended on 1 January.
This three-week window of chaos is one of the pinnacles of pop-astrology. It occurs when Mercury appears to move backwards in the sky owing to its angle to the Earth - and it is feared as a period of delays, troubles and even tech blackouts.What is Mercury Retrograde?
Mercury retrogrades hit like a whirlwind - short, sharp and destructive. Revered as the messenger planet, Mercury rules over communications and transits. Think any movement from A to B. So, when Mercury retrogrades it can throw a wrench into everything from friendly conversations, email communications, travel, the postal system - and some people even blame it for massive tech blackouts. Brace yourself for travel delays, misunderstandings, and heated arguments.
Retrograde’s influence can embolden us to do things we wouldn't ordinarily do in our communications. You might feel confident enough to hit send on the risky email that's been sitting in your drafts, perhaps wait a week or two to think it over with more clarity. Maybe you finally feel assertive enough to confront a friend about something that's been bothering you, but you need to understand that it will be very easy for things to be taken the wrong way. Think carefully about your words before you commit to saying anything you could later regret.
On the whole, it's wise to avoid putting anything risky in writing during the retrograde period. Steer very clear of gossip or it will come back to bite you in a way you don't like - and always give yourself extra travel time.
To survive, you will need to learn to loosen up. When things do not go according to plan, you will need to roll with the situation at hand. Becoming distressed or angry will easily be misinterpreted and can upset the people around you. If you have a rigid travel itinerary planned, be prepared for things to change at the last minute.
* Perfectionism will not be possible here, and the pursuit of perfection can lead to unhealthy consequences. Do not let perfection be the enemy of good enough. Sometimes you need to accept the hand you've been given with grace.
Miscommunications and clumsy wording is common during Mercury Retrograde and you cannot let this shatter your image. On the flipside, you must also be very careful with Of Course, its Mercury Retrograde!
* There are currently four planets in retrograde, each with their own unique implications. I like to go more inward during these retrogrades. It is an excellent time to do some more inner and shadow work.
Sending you All so much LOVE as we navigate these transfomational times.
May the force be with you Always,
Tricia Sullivan
What are Ascension Symptoms?
Namaste 🙏
You may be hearing the term and buzz phrase “ascension symptoms” come up as a topic on social media feeds. What exactly are these symptoms, what is causing them, and why are you experiencing them?
We are amidst an unprecedented evolutionary shift in consciousness. This collective shift is also referred to as Ascension.
Our Earth, along with other planets in the galaxy, is moving into the next phase of her evolution. This is a natural and gradual process. The frequency on our planet has been rising for many years, and will continue in the coming years.
As the intensity of these light frequencies increase, it will bring to the surface anything not in alignment. Any systems that are not a vibrational match for the 5D New Earth energies will be dismantled, transmuted, or healed to make room for something new.
With measured and steady intensity these light infractions will assist Earth with her transition into these higher dimensions. All sentient beings on the planet choosing Ascension will move forward with her.
Our physical body is our Ascension vehicle. Individually, anything not aligned within you will also show up. As you embody and integrate more light, you will feel called to let go of denser energies. You may feel it is time to let go of some people, places, and things in your life. You are intuitively being guided to let go of some things to make room for something new.
You may feel a strong desire to upgrade areas of your life. Perhaps a more harmonious living space, moving to a different physical location, or incorporating a healthier diet. These also are typical signs of the de-Ascension process. You are tuning in, integrating, and grounding these higher frequencies.
Ascension Symptoms are like a compass, giving you a roadmap and clear direction. Yes, these Yes, these symptoms can be challenging and uncomfortable. Look at them like a gift, a guidance system, like a GPS, navigating you towards a more graceful Ascension journey.
Ascension Symptoms will affect your primary Four Energy Bodies ( Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual). These bodies when operating in harmony should be expressed in a clear, open, grounded, and balanced state. However, as you are going through these upgrades these bodies can be out of balance.
Ascension Symptoms affecting any one of the bodies could look like:
Physical Body- exhaustion, insomnia, ears ringing,
Emotional Body- mood swings, super high-gratitude-then deep lows,
Mental Body, racing thoughts, compulsive thoughts, and
Spiritual Body- craving less screen time and more solitude.
All Four Bodies ( PHYSICAL-EMOTIONAL-MENTAL-SPIRITUAL) should be operating in harmony. You want to aim for a clear, open, and flowing state. Expect that all aspects of you are going to be challenged while you transmute lower dense energies. It will take some time to adjust to more light.
Ultimately, our Ascension journey will result in living a more authentic life. A merging of our higher self and completed embodiment of our divine spirit. A fully realized being living in peace, joy, and sovereignty.
At the most basic level, keep your energy (chi, prana, life force), moving and not stagnant. Make sure to connect more with nature, slow down, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated with pure water. Spend your time doing more of what you truly LOVE. Be easy on Yourself. We will get to the other side.
Infinite blessings for your journey 🌈
Tricia 💚
Disclaimer: The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please use your discretion and consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for serious, chronic issues.
Namaste 🙏
You may be hearing the term and buzz phrase “ascension symptoms” come up as a topic on social media feeds. What exactly are these symptoms, what is causing them, and why are you experiencing them?
We are amidst an unprecedented evolutionary shift in consciousness. This collective shift is also referred to as Ascension.
Our Earth, along with other planets in the galaxy, is moving into the next phase of her evolution. This is a natural and gradual process. The frequency on our planet has been rising for many years, and will continue in the coming years.
As the intensity of these light frequencies increase, it will bring to the surface anything not in alignment. Any systems that are not a vibrational match for the 5D New Earth energies will be dismantled, transmuted, or healed to make room for something new.
With measured and steady intensity these light infractions will assist Earth with her transition into these higher dimensions. All sentient beings on the planet choosing Ascension will move forward with her.
Our physical body is our Ascension vehicle. Individually, anything not aligned within you will also show up. As you embody and integrate more light, you will feel called to let go of denser energies. You may feel it is time to let go of some people, places, and things in your life. You are intuitively being guided to let go of some things to make room for something new.
You may feel a strong desire to upgrade areas of your life. Perhaps a more harmonious living space, moving to a different physical location, or incorporating a healthier diet. These also are typical signs of the de-Ascension process. You are tuning in, integrating, and grounding these higher frequencies.
Ascension Symptoms are like a compass, giving you a roadmap and clear direction. Yes, these symptoms can be challenging and uncomfortable. Look at them like a gift, a guidance system, like a GPS, navigating you towards a more graceful Ascension journey.
Ascension Symptoms will affect your primary Four Energy Bodies ( Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual). These bodies when operating in harmony are expressed in a clear, open, and grounded state. As you are adjusting to these upgrades it is easy to become out of balance.
Ascension Symptoms affecting any one of the bodies could look like:
Physical Body- exhaustion, insomnia, ears ringing, aching joints.
Emotional Body- mood swings, super high-followed by deep lows, crying out of the blue.
Mental Body- racing thoughts, compulsive thoughts, and lack of focus.
Spiritual Body- craving less screen time and more solitude. Craving time in nature.
All Four Bodies ( PHYSICAL-EMOTIONAL-MENTAL-SPIRITUAL) should be operating in harmony. You want to aim for a clear, open, and flowing state. Expect that all aspects of you are going to be challenged while you transmute lower dense energies. It will take some time to adjust to more light.
Ultimately, our Ascension journey will result in living a more authentic life. A merging of our higher self and completed embodiment of our divine spirit. A fully realized being living in peace, joy, and sovereignty.
At the most basic level, keep your energy (chi, prana, life force), moving and not stagnant. Make sure to connect more with nature, slow down, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated with pure water. Spend your time doing more of what you truly LOVE. Be easy on Yourself. We will get to the other side.
Infinite blessings for your journey 🌈
Tricia 💚
Disclaimer: The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please use your discretion and consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for serious, chronic issues.
What is a 1: 1 Intuitive Coaching Session with the team of light ?
Namaste 🙏
In a 1:1 Intuitive Coaching Session Tricia will call forth her own Spirit & Support Teams. Together, we will also call in your Team of Light to get clarity and guidance on the areas you have chosen to work on for this session.
We will start by connecting in sacred space and grounding the opening energies. With your permission, as a Certified Reiki Master, I also like to invoke the additional high vibrational frequencies of Reiki. This universal and intelligent energy will open up all four energy bodies - (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual).
We will begin by working on your issues. The additional presence of Reiki energy can bring up any unresolved trauma or issues stored deep within your four- body system. It is not surprising during a session for an issue you may not have thought of to arise. It is usually a good thing if something comes up to the surface to be resolved and healed. Not to worry. You are always fully guided and protected by your spirit.
I also offer an Intensive Four Week Integration package. This (4) four session package is designed to work on each energy body separately. One session per energy body. Each session focuses on one body - Physical, Emotional, Mental or Spiritual. This is very helpful in addressing any ascension symptoms you may be experiencing in one or All of these bodies. The goal of these sessions is to bring your four bodies into balance. This harmonization will allow for more ease and grace with your ascension process.
Keep in mind, so much about the Ascension process is about letting go. Letting go of anything and everything that does not serve you. As your ascension consciousness rises, it is natural to question many areas in your life. These themes are common as a result of the ascension energies. Seeking clarity around your relationships, occupation, family, diet, etc. is completely natural. Many of the ascension symptoms you are experiencing is due to resistance in one or more of these areas.
As more people awaken spiritually, they are searching for deeper purpose and feeling called to a mission. Many more are becoming aware of the ascension process. They are shifting from a 3D mindset to a more spirit infused 5D mindset. A shift into service and unity consciousness is prevalent. A strong desire to participate in co-creating the New 5th Dimensional New Earth.
Join Tricia on this journey of remembering who you truly are, why you are here, and discovering your missing puzzle piece. It is time to activate your divine spark and connect with us in the Web of Light.
Many divine blessings on your Journey 🌈
Tricia 💛
Tricia is an empath and starseed. She has been on her spiritual and ascension path for decades. She is here at this time to assist other Starseeds , Lightworkers, Empaths, and all who feel called to co-create the New 5th Dimensional Earth. Her deepest joy is to witness and support others discover, and awaken to their Missions.
She is an Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Ascension Guide, Conduit for the Ascended Teams of Light, and Certified Reiki Master Healer. She has been committed and dedicated to her own spiritual path for decades. The last 10 years, in particular, She has focused specifically on raising her own ascension consciousness, studying with Ascension Mastery Teachers, Mentors, and the Ascended Masters. She now feels called to take what She has learned, the wisdom gained, and share with others in the spirit of community.
She is the Founder of Sananda’s Angels, a community offering inspiration, guidance, and intuitive coaching for all Souls on the Spiritual Path. Our Mission is to provide practical tools and teachings that will assist in both personal and planetary transformation and ascension.
🙏 Certified Level 3 Reiki Master.
🙏 Dedicated Student with Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery for 6 + years.
🙏 Certification from Divine Light Academy - Spiritual Life Coach and Healing Practitioner Series.
🙏 B.A. Business Communications/Journalism.
Who is Sananda ?
Who is Sananda?
Namaste 🙏
Who is Lord Sananda?
Lord Sananda – Galactic Federation Spiritual Leader. His earthly incarnation as Jesus (Yeshua ) was one of his many timelines. His presence as Jesus was globally recognized and left an unforgettable imprint on humanity. He continues to assist Earth from the higher realms . As Sananda he leads with others to support us with this global evolutionary shift in consciousness.
Sananda is presently a Spiritual Leader within the Galactic Federation of Light. His foundational message as Jesus was that of Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Unity, and Peace. A simple formula that if universally applied could end all conflict and anchor the 5D New Earth blueprint and template.
I created Sananda’s Angels as I am deeply inspired by his work as Jesus and his activation of the Christ Consciousness over 2,000 years ago. The second coming of Christ is not necessarily a single man, but rather signifies the mass awakening, activation, and grounding of this Christ energy consciousness.
As more and more individuals demonstrate and embody this Christed energy, the Web of Light will continue to expand. A tipping point of critical mass will be reached. Much like the 100th Monkey phenomenon, this wave of Christ energy, the Web of light will shift into a 5D New Earth timeline. When enough points of light are turned on and activated, each of us embodied and grounding this frequency, a new unity consciousness will be birthed.
Sananda's Angels is a community of individual points of Light. A community of starseeds, lightworkers, healers, etc. coming together to collectively co-create a New Earth and a New Way. A Planet that supports and values all sentient beings upon her. A Heaven on Earth!
All of us have a role to play. No part is too big or too small. Everyone is needed! You may already be contributing to this grand plan of Ascension. If not, what is your missing puzzle piece?
Infinite Blessings for your journey 🌈
Tricia 💛
“II tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. “
Jesus (John 14:12)
Who are the Team of Light?
Namaste! 🙏
Everyone incarnated on Earth has a Team of Light assisting you daily with your earthly life and daily affairs. Some refer to them as Spirit Guides or Guardians.
The Team of Light are a collective of non physical guides here to guide and support you on your life path and career or mission. This is a pre life agreement, a life plan, or rough outline of what you intended to happen and achieve at different stages in your life to come.
You meet with the karmic board and choose your guides to be. This team of non physical guides are a combination of Ascended Masters, guardian Angels, Archangels, relatives you have known from this lifetime that have passed on, ET’s, emissaries, and beings from other lifetimes and planets.
Most of us have between 2-4 guides available to connect with on a daily basis, but it is not uncommon to have up to 12 or more depending on what you are focusing on currently in this lifetime. If you are working on a mission or special creative project you will have access to more specialized guidance, rotating guests, or a muse.
If you are especially committed and dedicated to your spiritual path, your growth, and ascension process in this lifetime, you will have access to a highly evolved Ascension Council.
It is important not to get too attached to names or labels because as you connect with higher dimensions such as the 7th dimension and beyond, these energies tend to act more in collective or unity consciousness. That is why you may notice when some professional channelers connect with names such as Abraham, The Z’s, The Arcturians, etc. it is because they act in group consciousness.
In meditation make sure you connect to the highest energies and ask for the highest good and outcome for All. If you are gifted and trust your instincts, great! You may already have a strong connection and recognition of who your guides are. As always use your discretion.
During a 1:1 Intuitive Coaching Session we connect with your Team of Light to get guidance and clarity on your pathway.
Infinite Blessings for your journey 🌈
Tricia 💛
Namaste 🙏
Everyone incarnated on Earth has a Team of Light, a team of guides assisting you daily with your earthly life and affairs.
The Team of Light are a collective of non physical guides here to support you on your life path and chosen misson. This is a pre life agreement, a life plan or rough outline of what you intended to happen at different stages in the life to come.
We meet with the karmic board and choose our guides to be. This team of non physical guides are a combination of Ascended Masters, guardian Angels, Archangels, relatives you have known from this lifetime that have passed on, ET’s, emissaries, and beings from other lifetimes and planets.
Most of us have between 2-4 guides available to connect with on a daily basis, but it is not uncommon to have up to 12 or more depending on what you are focusing on currently in this lifetime. If you are working on a special creative project you will have access to more specialized guidance, rotating guests, or a muse.
If you are especially committed and dedicated to your spiritual path, your growth, and ascension process in this lifetime , you will have access to a highly evolved Ascension Council.
It is important not to get too attached to names or labels because as you connect to higher dimensions such as the 7th dimension and beyond, these energies tend to act more in collective or unity consciousness. That is why you may notice when some professional channelers connect with (beings) and names such as Abraham, The Z’s, The Arcturians, etc. it is because they act in group consciousness.
In meditation make sure you ask to connect with only the highest/purest energies and ask for the highest good and outcome for All involved. If you are gifted and trust your instincts, great! You may already have a strong connection and recognition of who your guides are. Always use your discretion. Make sure to check in with yourself and how you are feeling about the guidance you are receiving. You should always feel uplifted with the connection for it to be coming from a higher source.
During a 1:1 Intuitive Ascension Coaching Session we will connect with your Ascension Council and team of light to get guidance on your spiritual pathway.
Infinite Blessings for your journey 🌈
Tricia 💛
Lord Sananda Prayer for World and Personal Prosperity
Lord Sananda Prayer for World and Personal Prosperity
“ I now call forth the energies of personal wealth and prosperity to fill me, surround me, protect, and sustain me now and throughout my day, and I ask that this energy fill, surround, and support every man, woman and child on the earth today and always for all time frames, dimensions, and locations. I ask that my life and the lives of my family, friends, and (fill in the blank), and the extended family of humanity be blessed and prospered by God’s Grace, that our needs and desires be provided for each and every day of our lives and so it is. Thank you God. “
One in the Christ Prayer
I AM One in the Christ with Original Mother/Father Creator Source, say 3 times.
Fill me, surround me, guide me, express through me, provide for me, and protect me now and throughout my day.
I ask this now in the Name and the Way of the Christ. And So It Is. Thank you God!
I am Sananda, Christ Teacher for the Earth.