


Everything is vibration. Physical reality manifests from the quality of the vibration and frequency that it emanates.

Ascension is a gradual process, simultaneously happening on a personal and planetary level. All living beings on this planet are currently going through this ascension process whether they are consciously aware of this or not. Mother Earth is moving forward on her own ascension journey into the higher realms of the 5th dimension. Individually, we can experience more optimal timelines with greater ease if we learn to align with these higher ascension frequencies.

These ascension energies will continue to accelerate and increase in the coming months and years. The collective consciousness of humanity is rising. We will eventually manifest a more harmonious planet. In the interim, however, there is much integration work to be done.

As these higher frequencies continue to raise the vibration of the planet much dismantling of outdated systems, organizations, and programming will result. Currently, you are witnessing this all happening on our planet right now. Anything that does not resonate with the highest outcome for all will perish. We are moving from service to self to service for the greater whole. Dark and dense forms are crumbling making way for the light. The light will eventually win, for , it always does.

Ascension is an invitation for every person and sentient being on the planet. This is an exciting and unprecedented time to be on the planet. It is a grand opportunity to participate in this transition.

If you are drawn to participate in the Ascension process, you are most likely a star seed, spiritual teacher, healer or light worker of some variety. You may feel a calling, a higher purpose, a mission to be part of this grand experiment. You most likely volunteered for it before you were incarnated into this world.

New Earth 5D Fifth Dimensional

The New Earth.

Our planet is primarily vibrating at 3D/4D density. There are unlimited levels and subtleties to these layers, but primarily it is this dense vibration that is creating our current realities here on Planet Earth. Slowly, if you are aware, you’ll see it changing.

Every dimension has a range of frequencies which create a certain reality. Third dimensional reality is the lowest density of frequency in which human expression of consciousness may experience. We are experiencing much duality on the planet as we move through Gaia’s 4th dimensional etheric and astral levels.

The cosmic light ray frequencies coming into our atmosphere are bringing about this transformation and much anticipated transition. Debris will continue to come up to the surface, to be revealed, healed, cleared away, transmuted, transformed, and finally integrated. This includes all lower frequencies such as: imbalances of power, corruption, violence, war, poverty, hunger, inequality, and all other lower energetic forms.

Ascension is not us physically leaving the planet. Ascension is about us individually and collectively anchoring these higher frequencies. We will be transforming and transcending along with Mother Earth to sub-levels of the 5 D Earth.

The 5th Dimension is a mindset, not necessarily a place. Collectively, as we change our “states of mind”, we will shift from a denser, egotistical, self-centered, “I”  state of duality consciousness, to more of a “We” , unity, heart-based consciousness favoring co-creation.

The light is shining on our collective shadows which are being revealed and coming up for healing. Collectively, we need to do the work. We need to do the grounding and integrative work. There is no escaping. No more denial. We need to find solutions, take action, transmute, and transform the lower frequencies into higher frequencies compatible with the 5th dimension.

This is the “Heaven on Earth” that Jesus referred to. We are the Christ potential. We are the ones we have been waiting for.  We are the second coming of the Christ. It is up to us to embody this consciousness.

Our intention here is to serve as a platform and assist All who feel a deep calling to participate in this transition. There are no big or small roles. All Souls are needed. Here you will find community support as well as tools to assist in personal and planetary ascension. Together we will co-create the 5th dimensional New Earth. We sincerely hope you will join us.


Hello and welcome! I’m Tricia and thanks for stopping by!

A little about me. I am an awakened starseed. Although, I did not realize that fact for most of my life. As a result, I have spent a great deal of my life feeling like an outsider, a loner, and quite confused about my place here on this earth. I never felt a strong desire to follow the normal life script. The script expected of me and so often portrayed in our modern society, media, and culture. Sadly, I have spent too many years not aligning or expressing my true identity.

I am an introvert by nature. Putting myself out there does not come naturally. However, all of this solitude and inner work has been necessary to heal myself in preparation to assist others. I now feel a deep calling and responsibility to share whatever I have learned. I am here to share from my heart while supporting others who are awakening to this new reality.

You too may be a starseed, light worker, healer, empath, spiritual initiate, or newly awakened soul. You may be looking for shared community and support. You may have a strong desire to contribute to the creation of the New Earth and a New Way.

This is an exciting journey. The journey can be blissful, sometimes messy, and sometimes downright uncomfortable.

These are critical and delicate times. We need All of us to come forth from the shadows and into the arena. Now is the time to be Brave, Bold, and Authentic.

I hope you will join me!


— Neale Donald Walsh, Conversations with God