Who is Sananda ?

Namaste πŸ™

Who is Lord Sananda?

Lord Sananda – Galactic Federation Spiritual Leader. His earthly incarnation as Jesus (Yeshua ) was one of his many timelines. His presence as Jesus was globally recognized and left an unforgettable imprint on humanity. He continues to assist Earth from the higher realms . As Sananda he leads with others to support us with this global evolutionary shift in consciousness.

Sananda is presently a Spiritual Leader within the Galactic Federation of Light. His foundational message as Jesus was that of Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Unity, and Peace. A simple formula that if universally applied could end all conflict and anchor the 5D New Earth blueprint and template. 

I created Sananda’s Angels as I am deeply inspired by his work as Jesus and his activation of the Christ Consciousness over 2,000 years ago. The second coming of Christ is not necessarily a single man, but rather signifies the mass awakening, activation, and grounding of this Christ energy consciousness.

As more and more individuals demonstrate and embody this Christed energy, the Web of Light will continue to expand. A tipping point of critical mass will be reached. Much like the 100th Monkey phenomenon, this wave of Christ energy, the Web of light will shift into a 5D New Earth timeline. When enough points of light are turned on and activated, each of us embodied and grounding this frequency, a new unity consciousness will be birthed.

Sananda's Angels is a community of individual points of Light. A community of starseeds, lightworkers, healers, etc. coming together to collectively co-create a New Earth and a New Way. A Planet that supports and values all sentient beings upon her. A Heaven on Earth!

All of us have a role to play. No part is too big or too small. Everyone is needed! You may already be contributing to this grand plan of Ascension. If not, what is your missing puzzle piece?

Infinite Blessings for your journey 🌈

Tricia πŸ’›

β€œII tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. β€œ

Jesus (John 14:12)


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