What are Ascension Symptoms?

Namaste 🙏

You may be hearing the term and buzz phrase “ascension symptoms” come up as a topic on social media feeds. What exactly are these symptoms, what is causing them, and why are you experiencing them?

We are amidst an unprecedented evolutionary shift in consciousness. This collective shift is also referred to as Ascension. 

Our Earth, along with other planets in the galaxy, is moving into the next phase of her evolution. This is a natural and gradual process. The frequency on our planet has been rising for many years, and will continue in the coming years.

As the intensity of these light frequencies increase, it will bring to the surface anything not in alignment. Any systems that are not a vibrational match for the 5D New Earth energies will be dismantled, transmuted, or healed to make room for something new. 

With measured and steady intensity these light infractions will assist Earth with her transition into these higher dimensions. All sentient beings on the planet choosing Ascension will move forward with her. 

Our physical body is our Ascension vehicle. Individually, anything not aligned within you will also show up. As you embody and integrate more light, you will feel called to let go of denser energies. You may feel it is time to let go of some people, places, and things in your life. You are intuitively being guided to let go of some things to make room for something new. 

You may feel a strong desire to upgrade areas of your life. Perhaps a more harmonious living space, moving to a different physical location, or incorporating a healthier diet. These also are typical signs of the de-Ascension process. You are tuning in, integrating, and grounding these higher frequencies. 

Ascension Symptoms are like a compass, giving you a roadmap and clear direction. Yes, these symptoms can be challenging and uncomfortable. Look at them like a gift, a guidance system, like a GPS, navigating you towards a more graceful Ascension journey.

Ascension Symptoms will affect your primary Four Energy Bodies ( Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual). These bodies when operating in harmony are expressed in a clear, open, and grounded state. As you are adjusting to these upgrades it is easy to become out of balance. 

Ascension Symptoms affecting any one of the bodies could look like: 

Physical Body- exhaustion, insomnia, ears ringing, aching joints.

Emotional Body- mood swings, super high-followed by deep lows, crying out of the blue.

Mental Body- racing thoughts, compulsive thoughts, and lack of focus.

Spiritual Body- craving less screen time and more solitude. Craving time in nature.

All Four Bodies ( PHYSICAL-EMOTIONAL-MENTAL-SPIRITUAL) should be operating in harmony. You want to aim for a clear, open, and flowing state. Expect that all aspects of you are going to be challenged while you transmute lower dense energies. It will take some time to adjust to more light.

Ultimately, our Ascension journey will result in living a more authentic life. A merging of our higher self and completed embodiment of our divine spirit. A fully realized being living in peace, joy, and sovereignty. 

At the most basic level, keep your energy (chi, prana, life force), moving and not stagnant. Make sure to connect more with nature, slow down, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated with pure water. Spend your time doing more of what you truly LOVE. Be easy on Yourself. We will get to the other side.

Infinite blessings for your journey 🌈

Tricia 💚

Disclaimer: The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please use your discretion and consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for serious, chronic issues. 


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