1:1 Intuitive Coaching Sessions to Support your Ascension process and journey.

Welcome all lightworkers, starseeds, empaths, healers, initiates, and future leaders of the emerging New Earth.

Ascension is not a passive process where all of earth's problems will magically disappear. It is an ongoing process where collectively we engage with this giant, evolutionary leap in consciousness. The time has come for conscious and creative action. 

“ The Great Awakening “

A majority of the world’s population are “waking up” to the many truths that are being revealed. The continuing unfolding of dramatic events has been climatic, leaving many to question the authority and those largely in power.

Awakening, Ascension, and Action!

Our planet and all beings on it are in the midst of a collective evolutionary leap in consciousness and global transformation. Many in the spiritual communities refer to this evolutionary shift in consciousness as ASCENSION. 

Many names have been given to this phenomenon including, “The Shift”, “The Great Awakening,” and even biblical references such as the “Second Coming of Christ.”

Many of the protests, earth weather patterns, and social movements are a reflection of this awakening happening all over the planet. This is an amazing time to be alive. The human majority are questioning everything in our current matrix. This includes government structures, corruption of all forms, social injustice, economic disparities, and on, and on.

Our intent here is to be a supportive platform for all souls who have awakened and choose Ascension for themselves. New communities will continue to form and contribute favorably to Earth’s transition into the 5th dimension. The time has come to integrate the awakening energies of Ascension with creative solutions while creating sustainable and harmonious outcomes for all of its inhabitants.

To learn more about Ascension and the 5th Dimension click on the button below.

“We are all just walking each other home”.

— Ram Dass